Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week 3 Over, best run to date!

Seventeen Miles this week! Wow!
I got up this morning reluctantly. I probably would have stayed in bed if all 3 girls hadn't decided that 6:45 sounded like a good time to be up. It is long run day and Tinsa and I agreed that I would pick her up and bring her to my house and then we would run to her house. It was misty at my house but by the time I drove to her house it was raining. This is my first experience with running in actual rain. I have to say this was an awesome run day. We both were healthy and cheerful. I am learning to appreciate being cool. The rain felt great! I dressed just right, shorts, tank and very light running coat. We chatted the whole way which always makes the miles fly by. Before I knew it we were rounding the corner near her house. My muscles felt worked, knees a little sore, but all in all I feel really good.
I do love technology. Google has been a real help with all the funny running things that come up. I have been looking over blogs reading about hydration belts, rashes and upset stomachs. I'm going to start trying energy gels next week on the long run and hopefully I'll get my hydration belt soon so I can start training with that.
The book this week starts in on maintaining a low level of "arousal" about running. This may be my biggest challenge, not getting worked up about it. The idea is that too much arousal means too much adrenaline which is not your friend when you are a distance runner. The first bits have been about positive attitude. I know focus and relaxation are coming. I'm going to need it!
I can't believe that next week starts week 4. Halfway to race day.


  1. I'm so impressed by what you're doing... not only for you but for your girls. I'm proud of you!
