Thursday, November 12, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

It's not that I haven't wanted to run since my 1/2 marathon...Life has just ran on and without the pressure of "having" to run, it has been easy to not. One day last week I did slip on my running shoes and take Jonah on a 3 1/2 mile route. But then he worked a bunch of extra days, then I got know....
So yesterday, I did it. I got up and put on my running clothes just like I did in the good ol' days (you know, 3 weeks ago). I headed out on my 4 mile loop. I am still pretty stuffed up and so I was wishing that I could do that really cool trick that only boys seem to be able to do, shooting boogers straight out of their nose. Doesn't work so well for me, although I am getting better at spitting my "clams".
For not really having run for the last 17 days, my loop felt amazing. I remember why I like running. I came home with a clear head ready for my day.