Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 5, Check!

I was thinking today that I did not run a single long run on my own during my 1/2 marathon training. This was #2 of my long runs that I have done alone.
I had a lot to think about since in a few weeks I am going to be the guest speaker at a youth group. A pastor once spoke in a conference that we should have a "life message"...something we can vision those who follow us about. I have never really known what my life message would boil down to until lately. We've been talking in our college group about being 30. I want them to imagine 10 years down the road, dream about who they will be and then work on the now to point themselves there. The idea being if you have a goal/dream you won't get lost in the drama of today and waste yourself and not get anywhere. This is something I feel very passionate about and I'm really beginning to see how it is seasoning everything I teach about.
The mental training this week talks about creating mental "tapes" to play to yourself when you are having a tough run. One is of your best run, what you saw, how you felt etc. The other is how you imagine it will be when you finish the marathon, how you feel, what people say to you etc. Sometimes when I'm running I lose myself for a few miles trying to imagine what it will be like. I still have a level of excitement for it which is good. I know that next month is going to be tough with the long runs getting time consuming and demanding. It's a good thing there isn't a bed at the bottom of my driveway, some days I'd be tempted to get in it.
Miles today: 10
Miles this week: 21
Miles this month: 40
Miles this Year: 96

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