Monday, August 24, 2009

Mommy, aren't you running today?

The alarm had gone off and the snooze button pushed. It wasn't the worst night sleep ever, but I was up for an hour with Charlotte at 4:30. Then my early waker arrived. I told Adrianne that I was tired and she replied "Isn't Rebecca coming?"
Ah faithful babysitter who is making a fortune off me with all this running. She informed me the other day she is saving for a laptop. What a 12 year old needs a laptop for, who knows!
I did manage to peal myself out of bed and get some breakfast. This is my last week before official training begins. I had a goal for myself today of 5 miles. My normal run takes me to the end of my country road and barely turns me on to the next to make a 4 mile loop. I always look further down the road when I'm doing my turn around, knowing that soon I will be going down that way. Four miles have been getting easier, but still enough work that I've been wondering how I'll do when I have to increase my mileage.
Today was the perfect running day. It was cold out, 50 degrees when I left my house. I just felt good when I hit the road. Secretly I had been hoping that Joan would run with me today and that she could push me, but I run too early for her. The further I ran the more I wanted to go 5 miles. I air punched all the street signs I passed and each one made me feel more positive and more in control. By the time I hit the 2nd bridge, 2 1/2 miles from my house, I was pumped! The guide talks about memorizing your best run days, the sights, sounds, how you felt, so you have some mental imagery for the days that your runs feel like a grind. The memory of my run today will get me out of my bed and on the road for weeks to come. I can do it!
Miles today: 5

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